Our power has been out for roughly 28 hours. Last night, we drove to my father's house - he has a generator - and cooked a hot meal there. Today, with no end to the outage in sight, we had an extremely interesting dinner for four....
It began with an ice cream feast. I got home from work today at 2:45, and found that the three half-full cartons of ice cream in our freezer had not yet melted. As I said, we were all expecting the outage to continue. So I got all the kids at the table with bowls and spoons, got our large camping cooler ready, and pulled out the ice cream, placing everything else in the camping cooler. Then, while the kids were gorging themselves on sugar, I cleaned the interior of the freezer with soapy water. (Multitasking QUEEN)
The rest of dinner began by examining the cupboards. Lots of hamburger helper, cake mixes, cornbread mixes, pasta, pasta sauces, and much, much more that required electricity to cook. I suppose I should add that I have an electric stove. Yes, not much foresight there. But it is very nice-looking. When it's functional.
So our dinner tonight consisted of fluffernutter sandwiches, dry cereal, kool-aid, and ice cream. With the serving order slightly skewed due to external conditions. I am more than certain that I stayed within my $10 limit. I did not take pics of the process tonight, but if anyone needs instructions on how to make fluffernutter sandwiches... well, you can just Google it: the power is back!
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