Monday, September 24, 2012

ShakeNBake (Sort of) and Squash Pie (Really)



Again, I know I've been doing a LOT of chicken here, but the kids wanted some tonight, and I was in the mood for something quick.  I used some more of these crazy cheap drumsticks

I didn't actually have any "shake N bake", but I had these bread crumbs which I mixed with generic Italian seasoning, then just dragged the thawed drumsticks through the now-seasoned bread crumbs. I baked them in the oven on a cookie sheet at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, until the crumbs were browned and the chicken peeled easily off the bone (and I could see it wasn't pink inside.  That helps, too.)

 I had this corn on the cob that someone had given to me,
which I boiled for 12 minutes to beautiful perfection. 

The squash pie I actually made several days ago, and it's been sitting in my fridge.  So I cut smaller slices for the kids and a large slice for myself, and heated it up for a few seconds in the microwave, and, well, the kids didn't like it at all.  I, personally, loved it.  I think the kids didn't like it because it looks like a fruit pie, like apples or pears, and it tastes like squash.  I mean, technically I guess squash is a fruit.  Only it's not, according to my younglings.

So I ended up eating 2 1/2 servings of pie, and they didn't have any dessert because in this house, you get what you get.  By the way, I just used my favorite apple pie recipe and substituted squash for the apples.  This is also super-duper good with zucchini, but for that, I use a pear pie recipe.
Total for tonight: cooked 10 crazy cheap drumsticks, (kids ate 2 each, I ate 4) purchased at the almost unbelievable price of $2.31. Three ears of corn (free for me, gift from my ex's grandma, only 3 because I ate a whole one and broke the others in half, then I ate the remaining extra half as well.) which would cost $1.99 if you bought them right now from the grocery store, so we'll call it that.  The pie, again, was free, excluding the sugar, flour, cinnamon, and crisco, but which would cost a MAX of $2, and we (meaning me) ate less than half the pie, or $1 worth.  SO: $2.31 + $1.99 + $1 = $5.30 

TANSTAAFL, folks. 

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